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Open your Heart,
Heal Your Past,
Free your soul.

Do you wonder what it would feel like to live a happy, healthy, and balanced life?


Would you like to easily and effortlessly release emotional baggage? Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, anxious and stressed out?


Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to enable your body to heal itself?


I feel your struggles deeply as I too have experienced what felt like a lifetime of struggle.

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my story

I'm Angie, an Intuitive Healing Coach.

For most of my life, I allowed fear to control my decisions. Despite having no knowledge of survival mode, it was the space through which I existed.  My life lacked joy and I frequently reacted with sarcasm and pessimism. I was stuck in victim mode suffering from various physical & energetic maladies such as digestive issues, low self-esteem and financial woes. I never felt like there was enough to go around - I was operating through an energy of lack.


There was a slight initial shift when I attempted to change my mindset to not complain as much and to "think" myself happy.  Although I experienced limited results, they were short-lived as I was essentially stuffing my feelings down deeper.


It wasn't until 2015, that a wake-up call came! All of my unhealed childhood trauma was triggered when I was hit by a car as a pedestrian, shattering my wrist. Through this experience, I finally gave myself permission to sit with the pain, both the physical and the emotional. I discovered how this unhealed trauma from my childhood had played out in every area of my life.  Through recognizing and feeling those suppressed emotions I was finally liberated and able to move through the pain. I then sought out healing practices and modalities to support my journey. After becoming a certified Reiki Master, and deeply studying Non-Violent Communication, I completely transformed how I communicated with myself and others.  As I learned to listen through the ears of my heart, I no longer took things personally. I dove deeper into my yoga practice and committed to meditation and self-care.  However, there was still a missing piece of the puzzle in terms of my mission here. I kept praying to be shown my path that would allow me to use my gifts and talents. AND shown I was! It was at this point that I was guided to The Emotion Code and Body Code, a cutting-edge healing modality that has transformed my life in ways that I never imagined was even possible. I was finally able to shed the remaining layers of my past trauma and my outlook and perspective have completely shifted, from life happening TO me (victim consciousness) to life happening FOR me. I now know that I can co-create the life I am meant to live and I am on a mission to help you do the same. To find out more about how I can support you on your journey, I invite you to book a discovery call! 


My Services

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I highly recommend Angie! She is truly gifted and an expert with her sessions. She has helped me with so much,  most importantly, she helped lower my anxiety and my relationship with my step son. It has been a night and day difference . Everyone around me  can tell the changes that have happened.  Angie  cares so much for her clients and puts her whole heart into it. She truly is a gift to the world and you will be blown away with your changes you experience as well!

                                          Jess Zevallos 


Angie has been a fantastic spiritual resource for me.  She has helped me to clear out some stagnant energy and let go in order to leverage my gifts and step into my life in a way I have not before.  I’m so grateful for our time together. 


                              Jacqueline Long

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After a left hamstring muscle injury, the slightest twist or unbalanced movement could cause severe pain again. Given my age, I began to think it was a condition I would just have to live with. Last year after three months of continual pain, I began working with Angie. Using the Emotion Code and Body Code she was able to release layers of trapped emotions and negative energies. I’m totally amazed at how quickly and effectively my knee completely healed. It is now strong and stable with the mobility I had when I was younger. I am so thankful for all her help. I will definitely continue to work with Angie. She is definitely a gifted healer.

                                                                        Barb Martin

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